Saturday, December 22, 2012

Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Angeles

I was born in a hospital named "Queen of Angels", in the city "Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles"; that makes me an Angelino. When I utter the name in English it's a sound devoid of original meaning. More often than not I pronounce the name in English without thought of the meaning, history and culture it embodies. On Friday, 12/21/12, I drove down Cesar Chavez Ave. east bound, afternoonish, where I encountered a part of Los Angeles often overlooked but very much the heart of the city; East L.A., and was reacquainted with the meaning of the city's name.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Arlington West

Arlington West, a project by Veterans for Peace, Los Angeles, is a reminder of our complicity in the killing of an innumerable amount of human beings. When we do not stand up and demand an end to this, WE condone it. Like the saying goes; "all it takes for evil to triumph, is for good people to do nothing"