Friday, May 2, 2014

Eaton alive in springtime

The San Gabriel mountains have always been my compass and a great place to ground.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

There was a rally in downtown Los Angeles Tuesday July 16th in solidarity with  Trayvon Martin and in opposition to the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the murder of this young boy.  It was attended by a broad cross section of our city, and it felt empowering to be in the midst of fellow humans that felt a need to express their outrage to such a denial of justice.

I am absolutely baffled, how it is that a man can kill another and not have to atone for this crime. Isn't this one of the most ancient and unforgivable of crimes or sins ? Are we so conditioned to the myth of the individual, that we conveniently forget none of us have made it on our own ? Do we consciously turn a blind eye from our grand parents, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers, friends; all who have had a part to play in our making ?

                                                  I missed seeing you there my friends.

                               I hope to see you the next time someone else needs our assistance.

Friday, July 12, 2013

 Today Friday July 12, 2013, I attended a lunch time banquet. It was exquisite. The menu was a fusion of Totonac, African, Spanish and Arab; what a mix it was, I still have the flavor swirling around in my mouth and heart. The diverse cultures that converged in the fertile ground of Veracruz were present, all in a delicious balance; subtle, rich, colorful and just enough spice to have you begging for more. They call it "son jarocho"; All lovingly served up by LAS CAFETERAS.

Many of my sisters and brothers were there, young and old.

 After Las Cafeteras had selflessly served us, we wanted more, and out came the cry for OTRA, OTRA, OTRA! What a feast it was! When I left, I had a great big smile on my face. With my soul fully nurtured and my heart full of hope, gravity took a break, and I floated away.
 Como dicen, barriga llena, corazon contento.